Verde Pointe Dental Associates

Composite Fillings... aesthetically pleasing!

Apr 9, 2019 @ 08:47 AM — by Julie K
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Composite fillings are definitely the aesthetic way to go!  The fillings match the color of your tooth so they are very difficult to see by the untrained eye.  Although the amalgam, or silver, fillings are completely safe, most people today prefer the composite, or tooth-colored fillings.   Keep in mind that these fillings last longer with continued dental care.  This is why it is SO important to keep up with your recurring dental appointments, so that all of your dental work can be checked at each visit.

Any dental filling can fall out and when that happens, you will need to have it replaced.  Sometimes it is because of decay underneath so you always want to have your dental professional examine the tooth and advise you of the best options.  With the filling out, the tooth can be highly sensitive to hot, cold,pressure and air.  At other times, you may experience no pain or sensitivity however the tooth still needs repairing.  If you do not repair the tooth, you will experience greater decay and possible breakage of the tooth.

Amalgam fillings can be replaced for a variety of reasons.  This is done by removing the amalgam and making sure the area is free of all debris, then replacing it with a composite fillng.  Reasons you might want/need to replace the filling are:  decay underneath the fillng, which is detected using x-rays; damage to the filling and/or tooth, such as a chip or sliver missing; or sometimes people would like their amalgam fillings replaced solely due to cosmetic reasons.  

These are the reasons that composite fillings are so popular, and aesthically pleasing.  They are the most sought-after material at this time in dentistry for restorations.  The material is easy to work with, looks great, and will last many years with great dental care!

Contact us to schedule your appointment for composite fillings today!